The Hyattsville Tour 2010 was GREAT!

      I attended the Hyattsville Home and Garden Tour today.   In fact, I have attended that tour for at least the last ten years now.  One of the reasons I enjoy going is because I always gain such great decorating ideas.

In fact, the paint on my walls right now are the result of paint I saw on walls when I was on a past tour. 

We are asked not to take pictures inside of the homes (which is understandable) so the pictures here on this article were taken outside in yards.

Why do I love the tours so much?

a.  Every home is unique and shows the personality of the owners

b.  You see the creativity that people have

c.  It is impressive that so much of the work is done by the owners themselves—from landscaping to construction

If you are the type to enjoy a tour, be certain to check out my other article on various Maryland/DC tours by pressing HERE.