It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

As a Christian, I must say that I love Christmas for it original purpose.  Of course it has become this really stressful holiday where people go into debt purchasing gifts.  However, that is not the original intent. From a religious perspective, Christmas celebrates the fact that Jesus Christ was indeed born….died….rose again.

No longer do I stress myself out for Christmas.  The ultimate gift was when the Lord gave His life as a sacrifice for my sins, that I might have eternal life.  As I have gotten older and more in tune with how blessed I am, my entire mindset towards holidays has shifted.  It’s not about me.  It’s not about going broke buying gifts. It’s about unselfishness and kindness.  Above all, Christmas for me is now about mercy and reaching out to those who are less fortunate.

I skipped “black Friday” (always have) because I understand that the bargains will always be there in one form or another.  No long lines for me.  I can buy what I want from the computer.  There are a million+ stores on line.  But most important, with my present mindset, it would never even occur to me to have a fit over being the first in a store to spend hard earned money.

One thing I DO enjoy for Christmas is having a clean house.  During the month of December, UpperCrust Maids, LLC is offering a holiday cleaning special.  Be certain to get your house cleaning set up today—-and the best part about it is that you can do so from your trusty little computer!

PRESS HERE to get your holiday cleaning scheduled.

Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to you and yours!