Housecleaning tips for Thanksgiving holiday

  1. Organize a planned system – If you are planning to have guests over for Thanksgiving, be certain to start with a plan.  Get your huge green trash bags ready.  Know where trash cans will be strategically placed.  Be certain that your dishwasher is empty and ready to go once guests leave.
  2. Set up your cleaning station –  In this station, place cleaning rags and sponges in preparation for spills or just general clean up of the table, etc.  Make sure that your mop, broom and vacuum are in an identifiable place.
  3. During the cooking stage, clean as much as you can – Never wait until the very end to start cleaning.  When cooking, clean the dishes used and keep the table space cleaned off.  Doing so will make your work that much easier once guests leave.
  4. Paper, anyone?  If you are having a formal dinner, use your good china.  However, if it’s less formal, definitely break out the high quality paper plates and cups.  That alone will take a lot of work off of you.
  5. Have a designated cleaning crew – If possible, have 2 or 3 others available to help you clean once guests leave and know ahead of time what jobs each person will have.
  6. Hire professionals if necessary – If you are going to have a gigantic gathering, you might want to hire a professional cleaning company.  Note, however, that you would need to schedule that at least 2 months in advance, as others will have the same idea and most employees choose not to work on such holidays.

Above all, remember to ENJOY yourself and your family and friends.  Thanksgiving is all about reflection and love.  The dishes can wait.  Remember to relax with those who matter most.  Catch up on what everyone is doing.  Reminisce and laugh about the past….and most importantly, the good times!