Finding babysitters in the DC metro area

I recently happened upon a website.  Here it is:


What caught my attention about the site is that all one has to do is plug in a zip code and a line of pictures of potential babysitters will pop up, complete with profiles on the sitters.  I don’t have children but I do have a dog.  To be perfectly honest with you, I would not trust a stranger in my home with my dog—much less with a child.

The goal here is not to trash SitterCity. Rather, it’s to warn parents that the best way to find a babysitter is by word of mouth and positive history.  Who is watching your friends’ children, your neighbors’ children?  How long have they been watching those children?  Is there a long history of positive references?  Who visits that babysitter’s home during the day?

If you ever have anyone babysit within your home, be certain to set up a nanny camera.  You cannot be too careful.

In a world where too many are without morals and/or are addicted to drugs or alcohol, it is not (in my humble opinion) a good idea to hire a stranger literally from off the street to watch a child.  If you cannot get your mother or grandmother or aunt or sister to watch your child, look to neighbors and close friends whose sitters have a history of positive references.  Even then there is no guarantee that all will be well, but I believe your odds will be higher of finding a safe sitter for your child.

Photo credit HERE