Cleaning service in Gaithersburg, MD

UpperCrust Maids is now in expansion mode.  We have decided to expand our services into Gaithersburg, Maryland in Montgomery County.  This has been long overdue.  While expanding into more areas of Montgomery County, we have decided against expanding into Northern Virginia, at least at this time.

Regarding Washington, DC, we will make a few changes there also.  Because of severe traffic and ticket issues, we will only be able to take on properties that have low to no meter maid activity and/or a place on clients’ property to park.

Special for Gaithersburg clients!

3rd cleaning FREE until December 31, 2011.  YES you read that right. New clients signing on who live in Gaithersburg will have their THIRD cleaning 100% free.  Spread the word.  And you must mention this article to receive the offer!

Welcome, Gaithersburg!