Cleaning DC Rowhouses

I love Washington, DC homes. Love the architecture and the porches. They have such character.  Many DC homes are beautiful and well built (bricks)  and sturdy.  The rooms tend to be just the right size.

As of April, 2010, 61% of the homes that UpperCrust Maids services are located in Washington, DC.  That’s just fine by us!  Our employees enjoy the area, which is full of life and energy.

There is only ONE small issue in DC and that’s parking.  If you live in Washington, DC—-in one of those 2-hour zones I do need to bring something to your attention.  It almost always takes the cleaning techs longer than 2 hours to clean rowhomes.  Therefore, if you have a space out back where they can park when they are there, or a parking pass to loan us, we would truly appreciate it.

In the interim, give us a call at (301) 322-7112 OR fill in an estimate form HERE and let us put you on schedule!

Photo Credit, Sue Elias:  Press HERE