A Quest for Fresh (When good businesses go bust)

I live in Cheverly, Maryland and consequently, I often visit a local town called Mt. Rainier.  There is a strip of Mt. Rainier that I love because it has some of my  favorite stores—-from a clothing store to an ice cream store.  And of course the famous “Glut” natural foods store is there.

For a while that same strip in Mt. Rainier was home to the most incredible vegan restaurant. It was called “Quest  for Fresh” and they offered the best soup and vegan food I have ever tasted.  All natural. All healthy.  All delicious.

They no longer are in business and I am actually relieved (but not happy) that they have closed. The reason?  I was tired of watching the train wreck and wanted it to finally end.  And as a customer, I felt that I was not appreciated and often had the sensation of being dropped by this restaurant.

I mention the restaurant here because as a business owner, there are many lessons I have learned from them.

First of all, it took them several years to finally move into their space after purchasing it.  The wait was literally yeeears.  Yet, they were buying the space.

When they finally arrived, they became an instant success and with the right management they would have been hugely successful. They had the support, the loyal customers and the love.

What they lacked was organization and it appeared that the owner/head cook was scattered in her thinking.  The phone was constantly being disconnected and the number changed all the time.  They would not take credit cards (in this day and age!)  One order would lead to a 2 hour wait for the food. The food was so good that people would wait!

As odd as it sounds, they would stay open for a week or two—-and then they would disappear for months without explanation.  They would then return abruptly and open up only on Sundays.   Very frustrating and confusing.

A lesson I learned as a business owner is to be consistent and accessible.  Clients need to know that if I say we are open 5 days per week from 8:30 – 4:30, my word is bond. Otherwise, the client will feel confused and lied to.  Clients need to know that they can reach me. That’s why they have my phone number and email address.

At one point, Quest for Fresh, closed for at least 6 months and I was hoping it was over. But they revived….and started the same pattern again of disappointing customers and having their phone numbers disconnected.  My understanding is that they have finally closed for good.

As a business owner, my goal is to follow through with promises and to put the needs of clients first. The goal is never to disappoint or lead clients on.  I have many loyal clients. Some have been with us since the inception of the business. Here at UpperCrust Maids, we believe in rewarding loyalty with value.

If you are not yet a part of the UpperCrust family of satisfied clients, give us a try. I believe you will like our dependability and quality as well as work ethic. We deliver on promises and we aim to please.

Call us at 301-322-7112 so we may give you an estimate.