This page pertains to bed bugs as well as lice


You have certainly come to the right place to have your clothing needs taken care of and to get those pesky bed bugs (or lice) off of your laundry and onto the bug grave yard.

UpperCrust is one of the few pick up/drop off companies that will deal with bed bugs cases.

Please inform us that this is a bed bug case.  This is for the protection of our staff.  In addition, bed bug cases are treated differently.  We use different detergent.  We use different dryer sheets.  We wash it differently.  Our number is 301-322-7112.  Call us and fill in the form below.

How to prepare to have infected clothing picked up:

a. Place the laundry in thick contractor bags which you can buy here


b. Carefully place the clothing items in the bags and seal the bags. This is very important.

c. An UpperCrust staff member will pick up the laundry. If it is not packaged as specified above and sealed, it will not be picked up.

NOTE – We must pick up this laundry.  You cannot drop this off to our office, which is an administrative office.

FEES:  $3.00 per pound and $30 travel fee

PRODUCTS you might find helpful

For your own peace of mind, consider investing in a mattress cover to further protect you:

Also check out bed bug-proof pillow cases:


More questions?  Call us at 301-322-7112.